Terms Of Use

Terms Of Uses

The content and data found on this website, including images and text, are property of SCODV FOUNDATION and may not be redistributed, copied or modified without express written permission.

Using images found on any World Vision website, linking to any World Vision website or in some other manner framing or including any of the materials contained on any World Vision website without the prior written permission of SCODV FOUNDATION is strictly prohibited. Such activity could result in legal action. Decisions regarding use may be revised or rescinded without prior notice.

While SCODV FOUNDATION makes every effort to provide accurate information, the content provided on the website is “as is” and SCODV FOUNDATION makes no warranties regarding the content on the website. SCODV FOUNDATION will not in any way be held responsible for any damages or loss arising out of the use of the information on the website. SCODV FOUNDATION website may contain links to other sites. SCODV FOUNDATION is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of external websites.

By using this website, sharing your details with us, registering on the website, by sponsoring a child or showing interest in sponsorships, you also agree to receive communication from us in the form of emails, SMS, letters and phone calls. The communications that you receive will pertain to updates about World Vision’s work, payment details/queries and information/ letters from your sponsored child. You agree that the same shall not be deemed to be a violation of applicable telecommunication regulations.

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